US grounds some Boeing 737 Max planes after window blows out mid-air | 美国停飞一些波音737 Max飞机,因窗户在半空中爆裂 - FT中文网

US grounds some Boeing 737 Max planes after window blows out mid-air
美国停飞一些波音737 Max飞机,因窗户在半空中爆裂

Aircraft manufacturer has been under scrutiny after crashes involving variants of the plane in 2018 and 2019
US federal regulators have temporarily grounded some Boeing 737 Max planes in American airspace after a section of an Alaska Airlines jet blew out in mid-air.
在阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines)一架喷气式飞机的一个部件在空中爆炸后,美国联邦监管机构已暂时禁止部分波音737 Max飞机在美国领空飞行。
The emergency directive from the US Federal Aviation Administration affects about 171 jets worldwide. Carriers will need to inspect aircraft before further flight, a process that takes four to eight hours per plane, according to the directive.
美国联邦航空管理局(US Federal Aviation Administration)发布的紧急指令影响全球约171架飞机。根据该指令,航空公司需要在继续飞行前对飞机进行检查,每架飞机的检查过程需要四到八个小时。
“The FAA is requiring immediate inspections of certain Boeing 737 MAX 9 planes before they can return to flight,” FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker said. “Safety will continue to drive our decision-making as we assist the [National Transportation Safety Board’s] investigation into Alaska Airlines Flight 1282.”
美国联邦航空局局长迈克•惠特克说:“联邦航空局要求对某些波音737 MAX 9飞机进行立即检查,然后才能恢复飞行。在我们协助(国家运输安全委员会)调查阿拉斯加航空公司1282航班的过程中,安全将继续推动我们的决策。”
The move is a blow to Boeing, which has struggled with manufacturing defects on the 737. It continues to experience the fallout from a 20-month worldwide grounding imposed by regulators after a pair of deadly crashes five months apart.
“Safety is our top priority,” Boeing said in a statement. “We agree with and fully support the FAA’s decision to require immediate inspections of 737-9 airplanes with the same configuration as the affected airplane.”
Alaska grounded 65 jets in its own fleet after an incident on a Friday night flight from Portland, Oregon to California. It turned around 35 minutes into the journey and returned safely to Portland.
The plane, a 737 Max 9, was carrying 171 passengers and six crew. Photos and videos shared on social media by passengers showed a portion of a side wall and a window missing and oxygen masks deployed.
这架飞机是一架737 Max 9,搭载了171名乘客和6名机组人员。乘客在社交媒体上分享的照片和视频显示,一部分侧壁和一个窗户缺失,氧气面罩已经启用。
The aircraft reached an altitude of just over 16,000 feet during the flight, according to flight tracking data.  
Photos appeared to show a section of the fuselage, which is sometimes used as an optional exit door, torn away. Lower-cost airlines that carry more passengers often install the extra door to enable more evacuation options. The doors are permanently deactivated on Alaska Airlines aircraft. 
The FAA’s temporary grounding applies to all Max 9 aircraft with a mid-cabin door plug installed in the fuselage.
美国联邦航空局的临时停飞适用于所有安装了机身中部舱门塞的Max 9飞机。
Spirit AeroSystems, a key Boeing supplier, installs the plugged door as part of its construction of the 737 Max fuselage, a company spokesman confirmed. The spokesman declined to comment further. Some of the Max fuselages Spirit delivered last year were found by Boeing to have improperly installed fittings on the vertical stabiliser, while another group had incorrectly drilled holes in the rear pressure bulkhead.
波音的关键供应商Spirit AeroSystems证实,作为其737 Max机身的一部分,安装了该封闭门。该公司发言人拒绝进一步置评。波音公司发现,Spirit公司去年交付的部分Max机身垂直稳定器上的配件安装不当,而另一组机身后部压力舱壁上的钻孔也不正确。
Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority said on Saturday that as there are no UK registered 737 Max-9 aircraft, “the impact on UK operated aircraft and consumers is minimal”.
英国民航局周六表示,由于没有在英国注册的 737 Max-9 飞机,“对英国运营的飞机和消费者的影响微乎其微”。
The agency said it has written to all non-UK and foreign permit carriers to “ask for confirmation that inspections have been undertaken prior to any operation into UK airspace”.
Alaska said on Saturday that it had decided to take the “precautionary step” of temporarily grounding its fleet of Max 9s.
阿拉斯加航空周六表示,他们决定采取“预防性措施”,暂时停飞其Max 9机队。
“Each aircraft will be returned to service only after completion of full maintenance and safety inspections,” said Ben Minicucci, the airline’s chief executive, in a statement
该航空公司首席执行官本•米尼库奇(Ben Minicucci)在一份声明中表示:“每架飞机在完成全面维护和安全检查后才会重新投入使用。”
The airline said more than a quarter of the inspections were completed “with no concerning findings” and that it is working with Boeing and regulators to establish what happened.
United Airlines said it has “temporarily suspended service” on the jet. The airline already has inspected about 33 of its 79 Max 9s and expects to cancel about 60 flights on Saturday.
美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)表示已经“暂时停止服务”该型号飞机。该航空公司已经检查了79架Max 9飞机中的33架,并预计将在周六取消大约60个航班。
Boeing’s Max has been under scrutiny from regulators for several years after two models of the smaller variant, the Max 8, crashed in 2018 and 2019. The accidents killed a combined 346 people and caused regulators in one jurisdiction after another to ground the plane.
在2018年和2019年两架较小型号的Max 8坠毁后,波音的Max机型多年来一直受到监管机构的审查。这些事故共造成346人死亡,并导致一个又一个司法管辖区的监管机构停飞这架飞机。
The FAA said the crew had reported a “pressurisation issue” and that it would investigate. Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority said it was “monitoring the situation” and was in contact with both Boeing and the FAA. 
Boeing said it was aware of the incident and was “working to gather more information”. It said a “technical team” was ready to support the investigation. 
The new Max 9 was delivered to Alaska Airlines in late October and certified in early November, according to online FAA data. The Max model is the newest version of Boeing’s 737 twin-engined aircraft and is often used on domestic US flights.
根据在线美国联邦航空局数据,新的Max 9在10月底交付给了阿拉斯加航空,并在11月初获得了认证。Max型号是波音737双引擎飞机的最新版本,通常用于美国国内航班。
There are 215 Max 9 aircraft in service globally, according to data from aviation consultancy Cirium. Other big operators that use the model include United Airlines and Copa Airlines of Panama.
根据航空咨询公司睿思誉(Cirium)的数据,全球有215架Max 9飞机在役。其他使用这种模式的大型航空公司包括美国联合航空公司和巴拿马Copa航空公司。
While the Max 9 accounted for roughly 20 per cent of Boeing’s 737 deliveries last year, it represents just 2 per cent of the manufacturer’s backlog, according to Jefferies analyst Sheila Kahyaoglu.
杰富瑞(Jefferies)分析师希拉•卡海奥卢(Sheila Kahyaoglu)表示,尽管去年Max 9占波音737交付量的约20%,但仅占该制造商积压订单的2%。











