长寿时代对社会经济的影响(下)The socio-economic impact of the age of longevity(Part B) - FT中文网

长寿时代对社会经济的影响(下)The socio-economic impact of the age of longevity(Part B)


(c) Analysis of socio-economic changes in Japan in the age of longevity

日本目前是全球人口老龄化最严重的国家之一,世界银行数据显示,2014年其65岁以上人口比重达到25%,可以说率先跨入长寿时代。长寿时代下的日本社会经济发生了深刻变化。我们根据前文提供的理论视角, 分析日本的变化,将会给未来的中国更加深入的启示。

Japan is currently one of the countries with the oldest population worldwide. World Bank data shows that in 2014, the elderly aged 65 years and above made up 25% of the population, making the country one of the first to enter the age of longevity. Japan’s society and economy have undergone profound changes in the age of longevity. On the basis of the theoretical perspective that we detailed above, we will now analyse the changes that Japan has undergone in order to provide a more in-depth insight into China’s future.


The demographic dividend is fading, the savings rate is decreasing, and economic growth is sluggish. From the end of the Second World War until the 1970s, Japan underwent a period of rapid economic growth. World Bank data shows that in 1970, Japan’s elderly population aged 65 years and above accounted for 7% of the total population, after which its society formally began to age. This population inflection point also marked the end of the country’s labour-intensive development model, which once delivered rapid economic growth. By 1994, Japan’s elderly population accounted for 14% of the total, and the country entered a period of severe ageing. Correspondingly, the Japanese economy has generally declined since the 1990s, and has been in the doldrums for a long time now. During this period, Japan’s savings rate and the proportion of the population aged between 15-64 years both reached high points in around 1991, after which they began a slow downward trajectory. Shrinking savings also brought about a decline in Japan’s investment. Japan’s investment growth rate also began to fluctuate downward from the early 1990s onwards, and has since consistently hovered around 0%. Japan’s interest rates also continued to decline, even entering negative interest rate ranges. The main reason behind this is that demand for funds (investment) fell faster than the supply of funds (savings).

日本劳动生产率的增长放缓,技术替代加快。劳动生产率代表每单位有效劳动的平均产出,是决定一国经济是否具有未来增长性的标志性指标。日本劳动生产率增速在1970年后下行的趋势明显。劳动生产率来自三个方面,资本深化、劳动力素质、全要素生产率。资本深化即资本劳动比的提高。亚洲生产力组织(Asian Productivity Organization)的数据显示(见图6),近40年影响日本劳动生产率的三个要素都出现不同程度下降。资本替代方面,劳动力成本上升、数量短缺促使资本加大对劳动力的替代。但随着资本对劳动的边际替代率递减和投资的萎缩,资本深化近几年对劳动生产率甚至出现拖累。全要素生产率方面,老龄人口占比的增加刺激了技术替代,日本机器人和自动化等尖端技术高速发展。20世纪70~80年代日本全要素生产率强力支撑劳动生产率,但是泡沫破灭后这种支撑有所减弱。全要素生产率的逐步低迷也与长寿时代下日本社会阶层固化和家长式企业管理结构抑制创新有关。劳动力素质方面,世界领先的高等教育普及率使得日本人口素质整体较高,高素质劳动力成为对冲劳动生产率下行的重要因素。

Japan’s labour productivity growth has slowed, and technology substitution has accelerated. Labour productivity represents the average output per unit of effective labour, and is a landmark determinant of the future growth prospects of a country’s economy. The downward trend of Japan’s labour productivity after 1970 is all too obvious. Labour productivity comprises three aspects: capital deepening, the quality of the labour force, and total factor productivity. Capital deepening refers to increases in the capital-labour ratio. Asian Productivity Organization data (see Figure 6) indicates that over the last 40 years, these three factors influencing Japanese labour productivity have all decreased to varying degrees. In terms of capital substitution, rising labour costs and shortages have prompted capital to increase labour substitution. However, with a diminishing marginal replacement rate of capital for labour and shrinking investment, the deepening of capital has even dragged down labour productivity in recent years. In terms of total factor productivity, the increasing ageing of the population has stimulated technology substitution, and cutting edge technologies such as robotics and automation have developed rapidly in Japan. From the 1970s to the 1980s, Japan’s total factor productivity provided powerful support for labour productivity, but this support fell away following the bursting of the economic bubble. The gradual downturn in total factor productivity is also related to the social ossification of Japanese society in the age of longevity and the suppression of innovation by paternalistic corporate management structures. In terms of labour quality, the country’s world-leading higher education penetration rate ensured the high overall quality of Japan’s population, and this high-quality workforce has become a significant factor dampening the decline in labour productivity.


Japan’s silver-haired economy related consumption demand has risen, but has yet to fully usher in a longevity economy. In the age of longevity, consumption is the most important force driving Japanese economic growth. Japanese Cabinet Office data shows that consumption contributes almost 60% of GDP. Although the country’s total population has shrunk in recent years, Japan’s overall consumption has shown stable, slow growth. Japanese society’s consumption of ageing-related healthcare and nursing has gradually increased its proportion of total consumption. In Japan, the elderly predominantly play a role as consumers, and promote economic progress through expendable consumption. Although Japan is also adapting to the challenges of ageing, and numbers of elderly people continue to participate in the labour market after retirement, we believe that the degree of participation and the scale of productivity and creativity remain too low to allow Japan’s elderly to become producers and innovators. The longevity economy has yet to come to full fruition in Japan.


Old-age poverty has also increased the income inequality in Japan. Exacerbated by the lower numbers of children to support elderly parents and the increase in medical costs, the issue of old-age poverty in Japan has become increasingly apparent (Ding Yingshun, 2017). At the same time, the decline in the labour force has led to a pension deficit which is widening year by year, and which has put heavy pressure on public finances. As the proportion of the elderly population with relatively low incomes continues to increase, the overall income inequality in Japanese society continues to expand. Judging from the Gini coefficient, which reflects the degree of deviation in income distribution (see Figure 7), the Gini coefficient of Japanese society has risen sharply in the 30 years between 1985 and 2015. Data for other developed nations also indicates that as the ageing process continues, the degree of social inequality will also worsen.


(d) Implications for China


1. Improving human capital through education to offset the impact of declines in the labour force and productivity


In the same way as Japan in the 1970s, China is in the process of transforming its economic structure, and consumption is gradually becoming the driving force of the economy. Correspondingly, the ratio of tertiary industry to GDP has risen, while that of secondary industry is falling after peaking. The transformation of the industrial structure has had a direct impact on the labour demand structure, and labour demand from the tertiary industry, represented by the service industry, is also increasing correspondingly.

服务社会下,教育带来人力资本上升,可以抵消部分劳动力供给和劳动生产率下降的影响。不论是从个人收入还是从宏观经济角度,教育的投资回报率都极高(Psacharopoulos,1994)。教育是造成各国生产力差距的重要原因。劳动力受教育程度越高,生产力越发达(Mankiw et al,1992)。正如日本高素质劳动力是对冲劳动生产率下行的重要因素,教育红利对劳动力需求有较强的替代作用。长寿时代下的老龄人口占比提升对经济的负面影响主要集中在工业社会中,而通过投资教育提高人力资本,在服务社会下可以有效地抵消劳动力萎缩给经济带来的负面影响。

In a service society, education has brought about an increase in human capital to offset some of the impact of the decline in labour supply and labour productivity. Whether from a personal income or macro-economic perspective, the return on investment in education is extremely high (Psacharopoulos, 1994). Education is a major cause of productivity gaps between countries. The higher the level of education of the labour force, the higher the development of productivity (Mankiw et al., 1992). Just as Japan’s high-quality labour force is a significant factor dampening the decline in labour productivity, the education dividend plays a powerful substitution role for labour demand. In the age of longevity, the negative economic impact of an increase in the elderly proportion of the population is mostly concentrated in industrial society, whereas improvements in human capital through investment in education in a service society can effectively offset the negative impact of the contraction of the labour force on the economy.


2. Accelerating technology substitution, and guiding economic growth through technological innovation

自动化和机器人的应用将成为解决劳动力下降的重要手段。日本的例子中,自动化和机器人产业顺应着长寿时代蓬勃发展,许多行业加快了机器和技术替代人力。随着技术的不断发展,经济学家预言的机器人代替人工劳动的时代在不断逼近。世界银行的数据则显示,OECD国家中将有57%的工人的工作能被机器取代。从1993年到2007年,欧美已经投入经济生产的机器人增长了4倍,数量大概在150万~175万之间。波士顿咨询估计,这一数量在2025年将会增长至400万~600万。各行业使用机器人情况分别为:汽车行业使用了39%的机器人,居各行业之首;电子、金属、塑料化工行业分别为19%、9%和9%(Acemoglu and Restrepo,2017)。机器人替代传统人力,将提高生产效率,加速自动化及相关行业的发展,进而进一步引导创新促进经济增长。

The application of automation and robotics will become an important means for resolving the decline in the labour force. In the case of Japan, the automation and robotic industries are booming in the age of longevity, and many industries have accelerated the replacement of manpower with machinery and technology. As technology continues to develop, economists predict that an era in which robots replace human labour is approaching. World Bank data shows that in OECD countries, the tasks performed by 57% of employees can be done by machines. Between 1993 and 2007, the number of robots put into economic production in Europe and the US grew four-fold, totalling between 1.5 and 1.75 million units. Boston Consulting estimates that this number will grow to between 4 to 6 million by 2025. Robot use differs by industry: 39% of robots are used in the automotive industry, the highest of any industry; the figures for the electronics, metallurgical, and plastics and chemicals industries are 19%, 9% and 9% respectively (Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2017). The substitution of traditional manpower with robots will increase production efficiency, accelerate the development of automation and other associated industries, and show the way for further innovation to promote economic growth.


3. Improving the efficiency of the second demographic dividend by building effective capital markets


Effective capital markets are the best channels for unleashing the benefits of the second demographic dividend. Reform and opening up promoted the release of China’s first demographic dividend. Improvements in labour force quality as well as in the social and public environments opened the window of opportunity for the second demographic dividend. The requirement for obtaining the second demographic dividend are even higher, because the transformation of the increase in per capita capital into economic growth is dependent on external institutional construction, and that of capital markets in particular. Excessively low marketisation of capital markets and unitary financing channels will result in high financing costs, and make the effective allocation of resources more difficult. The example of Japan shows that the entry of society into the age of longevity will also have a direct impact on interest rates and return on investment. In the future, if global emerging markets enter the age of longevity, global capital markets and returns on investment will certainly arrive a new equilibrium. On the other hand, the continued increase in the size of pension assets will make it harder to achieve high returns. The various roles mentioned above will challenge whether the long-term returns on investment on China’s old-age wealth will be able to continue to significantly surpass inflation, and whether pension wealth can achieve the preservation and appreciation of value. Therefore, China's pension investment institutions must pay attention to the allocation of equity assets, and improve the level of direct financing in the capital market.


4. Introducing the longevity economy and creating the third demographic dividend


Introducing the concept of the longevity economy, enabling the elderly to “sustainably” produce and innovate, and creating their own “third demographic dividend” will require changes to the original, three-phase industrial-era approach of education, work and retirement, and will require new lines of thinking to create means of consumption and production which belong to the elderly.


Traditional theory believes that the negative effect of ageing on the economy is mainly attributable to labour shortages, crowding-out effect on investments, and class solidification which hinders innovation. In the longevity economy, this situation may change. First of all, labour shortages will be alleviated through its substitution with robots and artificial intelligence, while at the same time, the well-educated elderly population will be able and willing to participate in production, which will to a certain degree alleviate the pressure from the decline in the traditional labour force. On the other hand, the wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise of the elderly may also increase the supply of the intellectual factor. Secondly, through developing emerging health industries, elder consumption may take less resource. In the past, the crowding-out effect of ageing on investment was mainly due to the consumption of resources in medical treatment, nursing, and other areas. These provided products from an emergency diagnosis and treatment perspective, causing a waste of resources, and even hindering economic growth. As they become aware of the issue of the survival of the elderly with illness, these emerging health industries will focus on basic medical care and the management of chronic diseases, reducing resource consumption. Finally, obstacles to innovation may be eased under the new patterns of organisation in the longevity economy. As the world enters the age of longevity, in addition to the traditional economy, a longevity economy will emerge around the elderly population. Its scope and structure, organisation patterns and means of production will all be new, and should be seen as an increment to the social economy. Under the influence of this incremental economy, social contradictions and conflicts between different age segments of the population may ease.


In the context of a continuous increase in the elderly proportion of China’s population, on the demand side, innovations which meet the needs of the elderly will drive the economy to a much greater extent, and some, such as autonomous vehicle and smart homes, may become major industries. The medical and nursing communities will be better able to meet the daily living needs of the elderly, and the associated eldercare industrial chain will also flourish. On the supply side, it is worth exploring ways of enabling the elderly to “sustain” production, as well as to create their own “third demographic dividend”. Within the framework of the age of longevity, the longevity economy and technologies may likely bring about unprecedented means of production. Automation and artificial intelligence technologies will continue to replace the primary labour force, while informatisation and Internetisation will enhance the supply of intellectual-focused factors. All-new economic patterns and means of production will emerge, and labour productivity will improve sharply. The labour force quality required by this all-new production will differ from its traditional counterpart, and will require the education sector to offer lifelong learning, and encourage the labour market to achieve a new equilibrium within the age structure.


5. Reshaping government functions, and promoting social equity in the age of longevity


In the age of longevity, the most significant challenge facing society will be the exacerbation of wealth inequality, and the associated issue of inequality in health. Ensuring that low-income people are also able to maintain a healthy, lengthy life is a key issue that decision-makers must come to grips with. Japan’s relatively well-established social security system for its elderly population can certainly be used as a reference, but it must at the same time also be borne in mind that Japan’s slow pace of economic growth and its rapidly ageing population have caused public pension expenditures to rise on an ongoing basis, placing heavy financial pressure on the government, and bringing with it the risk of government debt (Zhang Shibin et al., 2012). We believe that the most important function of a government is to stimulate the economic vitality of the age of longevity, and encourage the accumulation of personal wealth over the different stages of their life, for example by improving education levels, advocating lifelong learning and professional education, encouraging companies to innovate for the elderly, and allowing more flexible employment and ways of working. At the same time, the levels of basic medical and healthcare services must be improved, and the effectiveness of healthcare services must be enhanced in order to meet medical and healthcare needs at multiple levels. A comprehensive improvement in the accumulation of human capital and wealth should form the basis for a rational redistribution thereof, so as to narrow the income gap, and improve the quality of life and levels of health of vulnerable groups.












