The Lex Newsletter: magical, mystical metrics | 科技行业的新咒语:自由现金流 - FT中文网

The Lex Newsletter: magical, mystical metrics

Dear reader,
The tech sector has a new set of magic words: free cash flow. Even Uber, king of cash burn, is feeling the heat.
“We need to show them the money,” wrote Uber chief executive Dara Khosrowshahi in a memo obtained by the Financial Times. It is an extraordinary message. Oh, NOW Uber needs to prove it can make money? What happened in the previous 13 years?
英国《金融时报》获得的一份备忘录中,优步首席执行官达拉•科斯罗萨希(Dara Khosrowshahi)写道:“我们需要让他们看到钱。”这是一个非凡的信息。哦,现在优步需要证明它能赚钱吗?在过去的13年里发生了什么?
The question of whether public markets are entering a sustained downturn has focused minds here in San Francisco. If central banks put a definitive end to the era of low rates that made money so cheap, the question is whether growth companies with high valuations will deflate to reasonable levels, or just crash and burn.
Hence the focus on grown-up metrics such as free cash flow, or what’s left over after any investing. Shares in electric car company Tesla are down 39 per cent this year. But speaking at the FT’s Future of the Car conference this week, boss Elon Musk said that his company had a bright future “and I think we will throw off a tremendous amount of free cash flow”. 
因此,我们关注的是成熟的指标,如自由现金流,或任何投资后的剩余资金。电动汽车公司特斯拉(Tesla)的股价今年已下跌39%。但上周在英国《金融时报》举办的未来汽车大会(Future of the Car)上发言时,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)表示,特斯拉拥有光明的未来,“我认为我们将产生大量自由现金流”。
But what do companies do when they have no clear path to profitability? Denver-based data analytics company Palantir tried to get around the problem by riffing on the state of the world.
Markets were not convinced. Its slowing revenue growth does not back up Palantir’s claim of thriving in good times and bad. Shares are down 61 per cent in the year to date. Lex thinks it will require a near-term forecast date for positive net income before Palantir’s shares recover.
New York-based meal-kit delivery service Blue Apron remains profitless after 10 years. This week, it had an even more worrying number to report — sales are half the level they were when it listed in 2017. Lex wonders why RJB Partners is investing $40mn in a private placement. Perhaps it will take the stock private but its behaviour so far has been odd.
总部位于纽约的送餐服务公司Blue Apron在10年后仍然没有盈利。本周,该公司公布了一个更令人担忧的数据——销售额仅为2017年上市时的一半。Lex专栏想知道为什么RJB Partners要投资四千万美元进行私募。也许它会将该股票私有化,但迄今为止,它的行为一直很奇怪。
At Japanese technology investment group SoftBank, which has contributed to high tech valuations, Masayoshi Son has put the brakes on its investment pace. Annual net loss has reached ¥1.7tn ($13bn). Lex is curious about what will happen now to the $50bn in capital that has been earmarked for investments.
在日本科技投资集团软银(SoftBank),孙正义(Masayoshi Son)放慢了投资步伐。软银曾经为高科技企业的估值推波助澜。而今,其年度净亏损达到1.7万亿日元(合130亿美元)。Lex专栏对已指定用于投资的500亿美元资金现在会发生什么感到好奇。
Lex does applaud founder Son for diversifying away from China as crackdowns increase. The possible US delisting of Chinese online housing platform owner KE Holdings has also encouraged Son to list it in Hong Kong. That will improve liquidity but do little to solve the real problem: China’s faltering property market.
Lex专栏对软银创始人孙正义在打击力度加大的情况下,撤离中国,到别处进行多元化发展表示赞赏。中国在线住房平台所有者贝壳(KE Holdings)可能从美国退市,也鼓励孙正义在香港上市。这将改善流动性,但对解决真正的问题——中国摇摇欲坠的房地产市场——没有什么作用。
Dating app Bumble is still hung up on using adjusted ebitda — but at least sales are growing. Lex is intrigued by the success of its acquisition of France’s Fruitz, which matches users via the medium of fruit. But adding more users via acquisitions will never take Bumble close to the almost 100mn users that Match boasts. Bumble shares are down 38 per cent so far this year.  
Crypto investors have a much harder time pointing to a metric that might support prices. Bad news for US-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, whose price is firmly tethered to the fortunes of bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency. Traders are being warned they could lose all of their crypto assets if the company goes bankrupt — a reminder that this sector lacks the safety net of banks.
Speaking of tethered assets — the not-so stablecoin tether fell below the US dollar to which it is meant to be pegged. US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has called for stablecoin rules and says there is a risk of financial instability. Lex agrees that if Tether liquidates its $34bn Treasury holdings or $24bn of corporate debt there will be market repercussions. That’s if those numbers are correct. We also point out that Tether has been in trouble over its claims before.  
Rising rates may spell doom for risky assets but European banks should be happy. Think again. At just over seven times forward earnings, Lex thinks the sector does look cheap but prone to credit risk should recession take hold in the next year.
Tangible assets are still rising in price though. Lex wonders if Andy Warhol prints offer an inflation hedge. Over the long term, prices have beaten inflation. But, of course, the pool of buyers is small and susceptible to impulse spending.
但实体资产的价格仍在上涨。Lex想知道安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的版画是否能对冲通胀。从长期来看,价格战胜了通胀。但是,当然,买家群体很小,容易受到冲动消费的影响。
Perhaps chipmakers are a better bet. Integrated device manufacturers such as Infineon and Samsung are busy completing back orders pushed higher by snagged supply chains. Gartner expects a 13.6 per cent increase in global semiconductor revenues this year.
Russia is thinking carefully about its own supply chains as the EU threatens an oil embargo. Hungary wants a carve-out but, even with exemptions, Lex says an EU ban would have clout. Russia’s ability to replace its main customer will be hit by transport constraints. Energy prices are already rising amid the quarrel. Household bills too. Companies such as Centrica may find it increasingly hard to justify raising shareholder rewards, but the UK energy group will probably do so, believes Lex.
Oil market turmoil could accelerate the transition to clean energy. Shareholders are putting more pressure on global companies to make the change. Not BlackRock, though. The goliath of fund management is swerving some climate change resolutions. But as Lex points out, this is not such a radical decision. BlackRock supported less than half of environmental and social shareholder proposals last proxy season. Still, it is an unwelcome step back.
Enjoy your weekend,
Elaine Moore
伊莱恩·摩尔(Elaine Moore)
Deputy Head of Lex

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